Sunday, November 14, 2010

I gotta get this off of my chest...

So I, like most people a few years ago, totally went crazy for Kings of Leon. They have a special place in my heart because they were kind of my first step towards being a bit more of an "Indie-music" girl and less of a "I've-been-listening-to-alternative-rock-because-my-high-school-friends-liked-it-and-now-I'm-in-college-and-have-lost-my-musical-identity-because-I-never-had-to-make-many-musical-choices-on-my-own-oh-my-god" girl. That band kinda defined my search for my own personal taste in music. Honestly after I got Only By The Night I had to go out and find everything else I could. The song Charmer holds a very special place in my heart as sort of the bridge between the girl I used to be and the woman I've been growing up into.

You might have heard, but the new album Come Around Sundown has been out for a little bit now. To me it feels very similar to Only by the Night but I'll save my official opinion for another time because I have not given it a decent listen to yet. [I'm sorry but I can't put down Ben Folds and Nick Hornby's Lonely Avenue] The first single, Radioactive is just a classic Kings of Leon tune but it really resonates. The sound is much more mainstream for sure, but I love the message and the lyrics.

From the opening lyric, "When the roll is called up yonder, I hope you see me there" evoking images of the idyllic Midwestern Christian childhood I had and then being thrown right into the hook. "It's in the water, it's where you came from" Maybe it's just me, but I love the way this song is like a love song to the bands musical  roots. It makes me appreciate my own a little more. There is just something vivid in the idea that it really is "in the water" that there is something from "where you came from" that makes you who you are. Plus the video is kinda precious.

This is just a good track and a great first single to an album and I hope brings the band as much success as their previous. I intend on getting a real review on this whole album, but I'm just so in love with this song right now I couldn't hold back any longer.

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